Member-only story
Study a new language… Why not?
I belong to a group of people who love languages; in fact, I’m curious and try to learn at least the basics (and my husband thinks I’m crazy!) But, yes, that’s what I like. Well, more than just learning them, I’m curious about how “they work”. Have you ever tried Duolingo or Memrise? I did! And there is a lot of apps and websites where you can practically learn any language, if not for free, for a low price.
You know, some people would say I’m kind of dinosaur… talking about technology, I mean! Well, well, let me tell you: when I was studying (“few” decades ago) there was not internet. Ok, it already existed, but wasn’t quite popular here in Spain. I was studying French at school, also at high school, and the only resources I could find were my teacher and the library.
Then, when I was about 16, my parents thought English would be very useful, so I followed their advice and started learning it. And that’s how my interest for languages was born.
Ok, as I was telling you before, at that time we hadn’t any internet connection at home. That’s why I “love” the internet, because today all you need to do is search for information and you’ll get a lot of useful results. Oh, you can’t imagine how hard was to be trying to listen to the BBC, for example, using our old radio at home! Now, we have access to podcasts, videos, free online audios almost…